A simple reader for json:api conformant APIs.
On github: codebyren/json-api-reader
Quick Jump: Installation / Basic Usage
A small package (~2KB
) that reads the data from a succesful JSON:API response
and makes it available in a format that is easier to deal with.
If you're looking for something that can handle fetching data, paginating results etc. then there are other more sophisticated JSON:API client implementations available. You may still find this package useful when it comes to actually navigating the records in the response though.
Many advantages but tough on the eyeballs.
Simple to navigate.
The processed response is immediately much easier to work with in UI frameworks:
<!-- A Vue JS example looping through articles and comments -->
<div v-for="article in articles" :key="article.id">
<h1>{{ article.title }}</h1>
<div v-if="article.comments.length > 0">
<p v-for="comment in article.comments" :key="comment.id" >
<small>{{ comment.author.first_name }} said:</small>
<span>{{ comment.body }} </span>
<p v-else>No comments yet.</p>
Using npm
npm install --save json-api-reader
Using a CDN link from jsdelivr.
Recommended: Find the package on jsdelivr (should eventually be here), identify the
version that you want and get a script tag with its
SRI hash for that specific version when you get
<!-- Try out the LATEST version (DEVELOPMENT ONLY) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/json-api-reader@latest/dist/umd/json-api-reader.js"></script>
<!-- Or use a specific version like 1.0.0 -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/json-api-reader@1.0.0/dist/umd/json-api-reader.js" integrity="sha256-BoyvGQ2AByYGt/+zRykrqragtl3Ky2S5vM0cnpsFpCE=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- Or use the latest in a specific release (here it's 1.x) -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/json-api-reader@1/dist/umd/json-api-reader.js"></script>
You can also download the above JS and host it yourself.
// Assume a list of blog posts is fetched via the browser's native fetch method:
const response = await fetch('https://example.com/blog/posts.json?include=author,comments');
const json = await response.json();
// Create a reader to process the json response
const reader = new JsonApiReader();
const posts = reader.parse(json);
// Now loop through the data from the response in a sane way.
// Each record has all its data merged into a simple object.
posts.forEach(post => {
// Attributes:
const id = post.id;
const title = post.title;
// Relationships:
const author = post.author;
const comments = post.comments;
Transformers allow you to modify objects before they are returned.
This allows you to do things like:
// Let's pick up once we have a successful JSON:API response.
const json = await getSuccessfulJsonApiResponse();
// Create a reader to process the json response.
const reader = new JsonApiReader();
// Here you can set a simple callback function as a transformer.
// The callback receives an object which has already had all
// data merged into it as if no transformer was specified.
reader.setTransformer('comments', comment => {
comment.word_count = typeof comment.body === 'string'
? comment.body.split(' ').length
: 0;
return comment;
// Alternatively, you can use an object with a transform method:
const myPeopleTransformer = {
transform(person) {
const modified = Object.assign(
id: parseInt(person.id, 10), // We want the id values as integers
fullName: `${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}`.trim(), // We want a convenient full name property.
return modified;
// The above transformer is for objects with { type: people } in JSON:API structure.
reader.setTransformer('people', myPeopleTransformer);
// The parser will now apply myPeopleTransformer when it encounters "people".
const posts = reader.parse(json);
A person transformed by the above transformer would then look something like this:
id: 2, // converted to int by transformer
firstName: 'Bob', // left alone
lastName: 'Fakeman', // left alone
twitter: 'fake', // left alone
fullName: 'Bob Fakeman', // added by transformer
Code & documentation by codebyren
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